Decisionismo democrático y emergencia permanente Consideraciones políticas sobre la Argentina actual

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Hugo Quiroga


Since 1989, Argentinian democracy could not forego the exercise of the exceptional powers and separated from that concept that proclaims the division between the powers and mutual controls, that examines the possible arbitrariness of the current governments. When the executive power is reinforced, the parliament loses power and the capacity to control. We are talking about a true governmental practice called democratic decisiveness. Indeed, it is a mode of government without the central support of the Parliament, as it has resigned attributions in certain matters through the legislative delegation. The question that triggers and thrills the content of the article is whether government can be exercised without democratic decisiveness. The uninterrupted extension of this emergency situation is of structural character. This reflects a change in the power basis. Thus, the permanent emergency- support to the democratic decisiveness- rules the most varied topics of collective life. The democratic decisiveness matrix is not explained, thus, the structural connection of the three powers of the State is missing.

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How to Cite
Quiroga, H. (2020). Decisionismo democrático y emergencia permanente. EURO-LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ANALYSIS, 1(1), 161-175. Retrieved from


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