Normative and Conceptualizations Regarding the Plan for "Counter-Subversion" by the Armed Forces (1975-1976)

Main Article Content

Astrid Celedón


The present article intends to analyse the regulations
and concepts expressed in Decrees, manuals and
military directives, through which the so-called “anti-
subversive struggle” was set up, between 1975 and
1976. Such analysis allows not only to deepen the ocial
discourse around the historical scenario, but also it
invites to reect on the terms that in one way or another
were installed in society intentionally.
Through investigations and analysis of institutional
sources, applying the historical investigation method
and using tools for discourse and content analysis,
the reader is oered an overview of the main
conceptualizations that, since the late 1960’s, have
been shaping the repressive plan of the Armed Forces
against the “subversive enemy”.
Focusing on the objectives of the military plan, the
purpose of winning the will of the population was
possible through the incorporation of the ocial
discourse both in the mass media, as in the other social

Article Details

How to Cite
Celedón, A. (2019). Normative and Conceptualizations Regarding the Plan for "Counter-Subversion" by the Armed Forces (1975-1976). "Tramas Sociales” Revista Del Gabinete De Estudios E Investigación En Sociología (GEIS), 1(01), 12-22. Retrieved from
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