Scientific Journal of History -C.H.E (Historical Constructions by Students) is a history journal, which in turn covers studies carried out in the Humanities and Social Sciences, published every six months institutionally endorsed by the Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts of the National University of San Juan (under Resolution No 126/16-CD-FFHA), which has an arbitration of professionals of national and international prestige (under the double-blind system) and aims to make the works of unpublished by undergraduate and postgraduate career students.


The current situation highlights the lack of an organization or space that disseminates and enhances the work done by young researchers at university level. It is for this reason that the need arose to create a space that meets these characteristics of the dissemination of student scientific production, and at the same time, a connection between the authors and the university community in order to know and make known the new works, contributions and perspectives; and to nourish the new generations of researchers, teaching researchers and, broadly speaking, society in general, of the new knowledge that constantly emerges within the universities.


In this sense, we propose to propose, within the scenarios of the possibilities of access to the university research system that are offered to us, an alternative to the modes of production and circulation of knowledge that exist today at our university, transforming into an object of study our experience as university students of the history course (professorship and undergraduate degree) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts of the National University of San Juan, in the construction of a new space for projection and visualization of work, for the circulation of ideas, for debate and for production. and transdisciplinary, from where we seek to empower ourselves collectively as students and continue to build ourselves within and outside academia, in a symbiotic relationship with society and its demands, inviting us to work actively and collectively in concrete reality and thus serve, pragmatically and satisfactorily, our social function as future historians and social scientists.


The Journal adheres to the DORA Declaration, the San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation. The Journal also adheres to the principles of the policies on reading, dissemination and scientific publication expressed in Open Access.