Everyday life and practices linked to productive work, in the rural setting of the “estancia Silva” (1945-1951), from the oral account of Irma Noguera.

  • Diego Heredia Faculty of Philosophy Humanities and Arts, National University of San Juan


The study of everyday life rescues individuals and social groups marginalized and forgotten by traditional historiography. Being a different way of approaching the knowledge of the patterns of symbolic construction, on which are established the structures of sociability, subjectivity and inter subjectivity. While the scientific approach to practices linked to productive work, developed in everyday experience, is of particular importance to understand the functioning of the same and the way in which it is articulated with reproductive work, leisure time and structures Sense and feeling. For this, Irma Noguera’s oral account is representative of the period and space determined, and satisfactory for the chosen problem, being a direct and privileged witness of the same.

Through a semi-structured interview, we seek to introduce ourselves in the subjective and individual experience, accessing the construction of the story, from the earliest childhood, in the rural area of the Estancia Silva (Tupungato, Mendoza) by Irma Noguera, Symbols and experiences of their everyday life, linked to the family economy.



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How to Cite
Heredia , D. (2017). Everyday life and practices linked to productive work, in the rural setting of the “estancia Silva” (1945-1951), from the oral account of Irma Noguera. Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 1(1), 13-20. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/che/article/view/1033