La democracia representativa frente a la estrategia populista de polarización

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Enrique Peruzzotti


The article analyzes the causes that have led populism to establish itself as the main threat to truly affected representative democracies. The irruption of contemporary populisms marked the end of the democratic consensus that had been consolidated throughout the third wave of democratization. This consensus was predicated on a certain conception of democracy: the liberal-representative one. In a period when overtly dictatorial forms have lost legitimacy, populism takes center stage as an alternative democratic narrative. However, its political polarization strategy generates more risks than solutions to the current representation crisis.

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How to Cite
Peruzzotti, E. (2020). La democracia representativa frente a la estrategia populista de polarización. EURO-LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ANALYSIS, 1(1), 79-86. Retrieved from


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