Las sociedades y la polarización de la era de las ideologías a la era de las convicciones

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Danilo Martuccelli


The article defends the thesis of the progressive advent of a new moment of societal polarizations. It proposes the weakening of the importance of ideological polarizations in favor of strengthening and expanding polarizations based on personal convictions. To argue, it first evokes some of the great processes of proper ideological polarization that occurred in the past (or that currently occur) to differentiate them from the other type of polarization proposed. In its second part, focusing on the current period, the article explores the specific nature of contemporary polarizations around convictions, explaining their structural origins, as well as their main manifestations and consequences.

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How to Cite
Martuccelli, D. (2020). Las sociedades y la polarización. EURO-LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ANALYSIS, 1(1), 105-120. Retrieved from


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