Envejecimiento y miopía social en los Estados Unidos

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Víctor Ortiz


The United States confronts reconfigurations complicated by generational unbalances among its ethnic and racial groups. These unbalances, concerning population numbers and wealth distribution, foster a staunch individualism undermining the stability of collective support networks, such as that country’s social security system.

This paper highlights an everyday expression of such individualism to point at a social myopia in which, in an apparently inconsequential manner, short-term, individualistic interests erode the common good. It calls attention to the fact that a reluctance to share privileges and influence in accordance to the new social and racial percentages of the country challenges its widely claimed democratic principle of majority rule.

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How to Cite
Ortiz, V. (2020). Envejecimiento y miopía social en los Estados Unidos . EURO-LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ANALYSIS, 1(2), 115-126. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/relasp/article/view/588


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