América Latina 2020-2021 Votos y jueces en tiempos de pandemia

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Manuel Alcántara Sáez


This text analyzes two features of Latin American countries recent politics in times of pandemic: electoral processes and the proceedings of the courts with respect, mainly, to the actions of the Executives. Both aspects are particularly relevant as regards representative democracy and the rule of law. This is taking place within the framework of fatigued democracies established in the second half of the 2010s and during a severe economic crisis accentuated by high levels of psychopolitical tension. The result is a complex scenario in which the already drawn facets of social unrest, institutional distrust and crisis of representation seem to be accentuated in the context of profound transformations derived from the digital revolution.

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How to Cite
Alcántara Sáez, M. (2021). América Latina 2020-2021. EURO-LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ANALYSIS, 2(3), 29-43. Retrieved from


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