Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Balance Sheet: Analysis and Perspectives in the Argentinean Context

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Sofia Ejarque
María Paz García


The present study addresses Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its key measurement tool, the Social Balance Sheet, which enables companies to demonstrate their performance in social and environmental domains. In a business context where CSR has increasingly gained importance, it is crucial for companies to provide transparent information reflecting their contribution to sustainable development for all stakeholders. In this regard, the preparation of a Social Balance Sheet becomes a crucial tool. The study aims to analyze the current situation regarding CSR and the Social Balance Sheet regulations in the country. Through a qualitative approach, the study will examine the challenges and opportunities faced by companies in implementing CSR practices and preparing their Social Balance Sheet. The findings offer a comprehensive insight into the relationship between CSR and the Social Balance Sheet. It is anticipated that this study will contribute to enhancing understanding and practice of CSR in the Argentinean business sphere and foster broader sustainable development within the community.

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How to Cite
RUPCIC, N., Ejarque, S., & García, M. P. (2024). Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Balance Sheet: Analysis and Perspectives in the Argentinean Context. RevIISE - Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 24(24), 83-93. Retrieved from


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