Consumo problemático de sustancias psicoactivas en Argentina en perspectiva global Tendencias y formas de tratamiento
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The objective of this paper is to analyse the evidence on psychoactive substance abuse and treatment approaches in Argentina from a global perspective. First, it analyses the latest data on drug consumption, drug dependence and participation in substance abuse treatment in Argentina, Latin American countries and world regions and the disparities by gender, age and socioeconomic group. Then it proposes a way to classify the diverse approaches to treatment of psychoactive substance abuse and describes some cross-cutting or complementary forms of treatment. The analysis shows the high prevalence of illicit drug consumption in Argentina in comparison with other Latin American countries and, in particular, the high prevalence of consumption and dependence on cocaine. While in general drug consumption is more prevalent in higher socioeconomic groups, drug dependence is higher among people with lower socioeconomic status and is especially entrenched in vulnerable neighbourhoods. Despite the evidence on the effectiveness of addiction treatment, only a fraction of Argentines experiencing substance abuse problems receives treatment.
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