The genetic analysis of ideologies as a methodological approach to discour-se

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Myriam Gabriela Aguero Molina


The objective of this article is to characterize
a methodology of discourse analysis (AD) the genetic
analysis of ideologies (AGI), for its application in the
qualitative data treatment in Social Sciences and
specically, in Sociology.
The discourse refers to a social work of interdiscursive
production of meaning, through chicha human beings
construct symbolic networks as matrices of perception
and action. As such, it is produced and reproduced in
certain social conditions, generating meanings that can
contradict and even hide other meanings.
Overcoming the linguistic and grammatical analyzes of
discourse, which reduce it to its textual structures, this
methodology relates the two levels of exteriority of the
same: a supercial level, where producers use ideological
operations to construct meanings and another deep one
that refers the understanding of discourse to the social
circumstances in which it emerges. Applying techniques
such as content analysis, a system of categories is
constructed that, later, will be schematized in semiotic
pictures and actantial schemas.
The foregoing, exemplifying the use of this methodology
in a case of analysis of news stories referring to the
discourse of subversion in the province of San Juan in
the mid-seventies

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How to Cite
Aguero Molina, M. G. (2019). The genetic analysis of ideologies as a methodological approach to discour-se. "Tramas Sociales” Revista Del Gabinete De Estudios E Investigación En Sociología (GEIS), 1(01), 93-112. Retrieved from
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