The territorial Scene of Development: Actors, Narratives, and Policies

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María Griselda Henríquez


The book presented here is, in the authors' opinion, the result of 30 years of work dedicated to the task of "understanding the societies that are called local based on their territorial specificities." In this sense, it represents a significant effort of systematization, both in theoretical and practical reflection, on local development throughout that time, a journey that the authors began back in 1987 at the Latin American Center for Human Economics (CLAEH).

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How to Cite
Henríquez, M. G. (2019). The territorial Scene of Development: Actors, Narratives, and Policies. "Tramas Sociales” Revista Del Gabinete De Estudios E Investigación En Sociología (GEIS), 1(01), 139-141. Retrieved from
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