Socio-Historic Porgram Investigation

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María Griselda Henriquez


Here are the relevant aspects of the Sociohistorical Research Program, established in 2018 within the new regulations of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the National University of San Juan. The program aims to contribute to the systematic understanding of the history of Argentine society from a sociological perspective, valuing the knowledge accumulated by various research groups operating under the Institute of Socioeconomic Research (IISE) and the Sociology Studies Office (GEIS), both affiliated with the Faculty

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How to Cite
Henriquez, M. G. (2021). Socio-Historic Porgram Investigation. "Tramas Sociales” Revista Del Gabinete De Estudios E Investigación En Sociología (GEIS), 3(03), 216-220. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

María Griselda Henriquez, Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Docente investigador. Instituto de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - Universidad Nacional de San Juan) Socióloga. Dra. en Ciencias Sociales.