• Ignacio Nahuel Moncho Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts, National University of San Juan
Keywords: Alfonso X, Siete Partidas, regal and imperial image, imperator totius hispaniae, conceived by Alfonso VII


Alfonso X, a XIII century king from Castilla and Leon, built in the Siete Partidas a speech that conforms at the same time the image of the king and an imperial idea.

Starting with the postulates of the New Cultural History, we will analyze the second Partida Alfonsí, “que fabla de los emperadores, e de los reyes, e de los otros grandes señores de la tierra, que la han de mantener e justicia e verdad”, to discover which is the representation of the image of the king and the emperor, also their characteristics and attributions, with the purpose to understand how this representations took place in the process of the construction of the monarchical authority in the recently unified kingdom of Castilla and Leon.

With this purpose, we will analyze if the imperial tradition of Leon conceived by Alfonso VII is resumed in the XIII century by the juridical work of the Siete Partidas of Alfonso X, or if his theorical and political construction marks a break with it.


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How to Cite
Moncho, I. N. (2018). THE KING AND THE IMPERIAL IDEA IN CASTILLA AND LEÓN. REPRESENTATION IN THE PARTIDAS ALFONSÍES. 13th CENTURY. Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 2(2), 36-41. Retrieved from