• Agustina Sara Ortiz FFHA-UNSJ


The history of the twentieth century around the world is marked by modern crises and despotisms towards societies in the form of totalitarian regimes, which caused effects such as World Wars; genocide and ethnocide; and policies of social exclusion themselves. As a result, inequalities in both social and economic development widened. Likewise, Argentina was no exception, being also a victim of the horrors experienced in that century. The atrocities committed by Nazism against the Jewish people were felt in Argentine lands despite the distance, as well as their own ailments, such as the various coups d ' état, which caused political, economic and social imbalances, and the Malvinas war, which caused a collective wound to the Argentine people that is still felt today.


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How to Cite
Ortiz , A. S. (2023). SANJUANINOS MEMORY SPACES AS A PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGE. Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 5(5), 113-122. Retrieved from