Each manuscript received is going to be reviewed in two steps:

First, they undergo editorial review in order to know if the manuscript comply with the formal requirements of the guidelines for submission.

Second, manuscripts will be refereed by two anonymous referees, according to the guidelines for revision.

Guidelines for revision:

Articles will be evaluated according to the following list
Coherence between title, abstract and content.
Clarity of the article
Originality of the work
Coherence between the data used and the research problem.
Relevance of the theoretical framing.
Relevance of the methodological approach
Appropriate use of tables
Clarity and coherence of conclusions

Other relevant aspects of the paper

Two anonymous referees are going to decide if the paper is very good, good, regular or not good.
Articles of themes send for the Dossier are going to be evaluated first by the dossier coordinators in order to establish if the articles theme is suitable for the dossier. After that the article is sent to a peer-review anonymous evaluation.

Recommendation about articles as a result of the peer-review evaluations could be:

Accepted with minor corrections
Revise and Resubmit

If the article is evaluated as “Accepted” by the two peer-reviewers, it is sent to proof reading.
If the article is evaluated as “Accepted with minor corrections” or “revise and resubmit” the article is sent to a second revision.
If the two evaluations disagree in the result, the article is sent to a third revision.
If the article is evaluated as rejected by both evaluations is not going to be published.