Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The text has not been previously published nor has been subject for consideration to any other journal.
The text file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
Whenever possible, there are directions URL for references.
The text is written in 12 points letter size, line-spacing single. It should use italics instead of underline, with the exception of URL.  All figures are indicated in the appropriate places in the text.
The text adheres to the guidelines for submission.



Articles of themes (Dossier)

Manuscripts will be considered only if they are not already been published, are not currently under consideration for publication, elsewhere. Manuscripts should be considered only if is significant for the themes of the Dossier.
Manuscripts must be a product of academic research and are going to be sent to peer-review before publication.

Presentation of the text:

The title of the article should be with a maximum 10 words
 Subtitles (optional) with a maximum of 20 words.
Authors should remove his/her name from the document.   
The text will include an abstract not exceeding 200 words in its original language and in English, in addition up to 5 key words.
Articles will include a presentation (title, abstract and key words), an introduction, main results, and relevant bibliography, but these sections do not need to be explicit.


The main body of the article should have an extension between 6000 to 9000 words (including introduction, references and foot notes).
It should be sent in .rft or .doc (word)  format. 
Page size A4, Garamont 12p,  line-spacing 1.5 in the text. Garamont 10p in quotations of more than 40 words and foot notes. Title Garamount 14p in bold and center alignment. Paragraph title Garamont 12 with justified text. Indentation in the first line 0.7 cm from second and subsequent paragraph. No indentation for the first paragraph after titles.
Tables should be ready to be edited .doc or .xls
Graphs and diagrams should be ready to be edited .jpg, png.tiff in resolutions higher than 300px.
References should be presented in APA six edition.
Bibliography shall contain only cited works.
Editorial board may evaluate in particular cases if articles does not need to be subject to these guidelines.


Manuscripts will be considered only if they are not already been published, are not currently under consideration for publication, elsewhere. Manuscripts should be considered only if is significant for the themes of the Dossier.
Manuscripts must be a product of academic research and are going to be sent to peer-review before publication.

Presentation of the text:

The title of the article should be with a maximum 10 words
Subtitles (optional) with a maximum of 20 words.
Authors should remove his/her name from the document.  
The text will include an abstract not exceeding 200 words in its original language and in English, in addition up to 5 key words.
Articles will include a presentation (title, abstract and key words), an introduction, main results, and relevant bibliography, but these sections do not need to be explicit.


The main body of the article should have an extension between 6000 to 9000 words (including introduction, references and foot notes).
It should be sent in .rft or .doc (word)  format. 
Page size A4, Garamont 12p,  line-spacing 1.5 in the text. Garamont 10p in quotations of more than 40 words and foot notes. Title Garamount 14p in bold and center alignment. Paragraph title Garamont 12 with justified text. Indentation in the first line 0.7 cm from second and subsequent paragraph. No indentation for the first paragraph after titles.
Tables should be ready to be edited .doc or .xls
Graphs and diagrams should be ready to be edited .jpg, png.tiff in resolutions higher than 300px.
References should be presented in APA six edition.
Bibliography shall contain only cited works.
Editorial board may evaluate in particular cases if articles does not need to be subject to these guidelines.

Book reviews

The title of the article should be with a maximum 10 words
 Subtitles (optional) with a maximum of 20 words.
Name of the author, email and institution.
The text will include an abstract not exceeding 200 words in its original language and in English, in addition up to 5 key words.
Book reviews will include a presentation (title, abstract and key words), an introduction, main results, and relevant bibliography, but these sections do not need to be explicit.


The main body of the article should have an extension of 2000 words (including introduction, references and foot notes).
It should be sent in .rft or .doc (word)  format. 
Page size A4, Garamont 12p,  line-spacing 1.5 in the text. Garamont 10p in quotations of more than 40 words and foot notes. Title Garamount 14p in bold and center alignment. Name of the author Garamont 12p, italics and center alignment.  Paragraph title Garamont 12 with justified text. Indentation in the first line 0.7 cm from second and subsequent paragraph. No indentation for the first paragraph after titles.
Tables should be ready to be edited .doc or .xls
Graphs and diagrams should be ready to be edited .jpg, png.tiff in resolutions higher than 300px.
References should be presented in APA six edition.
Bibliography shall contain only cited works.
Book reviews are not subject to peer review process, but it will be reviewed by the editorial board.


References should be presented in APA six edition.



Each manuscript received is going to be reviewed in two steps:

First, they undergo editorial review in order to know if the manuscript comply with the formal requirements of the guidelines for submission.

Second, manuscripts will be refereed by two anonymous referees, according to the guidelines for revision.

Guidelines for revision:

Articles will be evaluated according to the following list
Coherence between title, abstract and content.
Clarity of the article
Originality of the work
Coherence between the data used and the research problem.
Relevance of the theoretical framing.
Relevance of the methodological approach
Appropriate use of tables
Clarity and coherence of conclusions

Other relevant aspects of the paper

Two anonymous referees are going to decide if the paper is very good, good, regular or not good.
Articles of themes send for the Dossier are going to be evaluated first by the dossier coordinators in order to establish if the articles theme is suitable for the dossier. After that the article is sent to a peer-review anonymous evaluation.

Recommendation about articles as a result of the peer-review evaluations could be:

Accepted with minor corrections
Revise and Resubmit

If the article is evaluated as “Accepted” by the two peer-reviewers, it is sent to proof reading.
If the article is evaluated as “Accepted with minor corrections” or “revise and resubmit” the article is sent to a second revision.
If the two evaluations disagree in the result, the article is sent to a third revision.
If the article is evaluated as rejected by both evaluations is not going to be published.