Construcción de conocimiento académico: entre estudiantes y profesores. Caso UNSJ

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Hilda Mabel Guevara
Rosa Figueroa
Eugenia Olivera Rubia


This article reports on the development of studies about university higher education, research that focuses on the university as the object of analysis, its dimensions, dynamics and actors. The continuity of a work line in educational research is show, since the beginning of the nineties, carried out by a team of researchers from the College of Social Sciences of San Juan National University.

In this framework There are some results achieved. There is a study that   investigates, among other aspects, the construction of academic knowledge from the teachers’ perspectives.

The methodological approach used was mixed, emphasizing the qualitative aspect. The research is constituted in a case study where a group of 18 (eighteen) university students from different Academic Units were selected and 8 (eight) professors distinguished by the students were interviewed about their academic practices. For the analysis, the ATLAS Ti program was used, it allowed the elaboration of maps using open coding.

The results reveal the pedagogical strategies with which teachers promote the construction of academic knowledge, as well as some of the tensions caused by the multiplicity of functions of the teaching profession.

Keywords: scientific production- construction of knowledge-students-teachers

Article Details

How to Cite
Guevara, H. M., Figueroa, R., & Olivera Rubia, E. (2021). Construcción de conocimiento académico: entre estudiantes y profesores. Caso UNSJ . RevIISE - Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 17(17), 197-212. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Hilda Mabel Guevara, S/N

Docente   en   la   carrera   de   Sociología, Universidad  

Nacional  de  San  Juan  (UNSJ,  Argentina);  Investigadora

del  Instituto  de  Investigaciones  Socio-económicas  de  la  Facultad  de 

Ciencias  Sociales (UNSJ).  Doctora en  Psicología. 

Especialista en Docencia Universitaria.

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