A family photograph, a non-existent archive: Reflections on memory and history

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Frida Gorbach Rudoy


Starting from a family photograph I reflect on memory. In this case it is not a memory objectified in archives, libraries, museums or monuments but rather one that is embodied since it happens to a living body, which is singular, because it does not completely dissolve into the collective. The reflection arises from a first question: how to build an archive with a single photograph when, supposedly, the idea of ​​uniqueness denies the possibility of historical recording? Then I work from a conceptual plot that links the image with the archive, memory and history: the image that freezes the gaze, the archive that shows the impossibility of recording, the memory that forces the image to give way to time and, finally, the history that deals with the representation of a past that cannot be traced back. In addition to asking a question about identity and its relationship with memory this text is also an exercise that seeks the way to cross the gap that separates individual memory and collective memory in an attempt to imagine other ways of relating to the past and the dead.

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How to Cite
Gorbach Rudoy, F. (2025). A family photograph, a non-existent archive: . Memorias Disidentes. Revista De Estudios críticos Del Patrimonio, Archivos Y Memorias, 2(3), 8-34. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/Mdis/article/view/Unafotograf%C3%ADafamiliar.F.Gorbach.MD.2025
Sección Académica
Author Biography

Frida Gorbach Rudoy, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco (UAM-X)

She holds a PhD in Art History from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and is a member of the National System of Researchers. She teaches in the undergraduate degree in Psychology and the doctorate in Humanities at the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Xochimilco unit. Her doctorate gave rise to her first book, from which her current research topics on psychiatry and natural history in Mexico were derived. Since then, she has dedicated herself to working around museums and national culture based on the links between teratological collections, natural history, archaeology and anthropology, with a special interest in reflecting on the theoretical bases of historical discourse, the construction of the archive, temporality, the writing of history and the relationships between memory and history from the framework of cultural studies, postcolonial criticism and psychoanalysis. She has published the following books: El monstruo, Objeto Imposible. Un estudio sobre teratología mexicana (Siglo XIX) (2008); Saberes locales: ensayos sobre historia de la ciencia (edited with Carlos López Beltrán in 2008); (In)disciplinarity in research. (Archive, fieldwork and writing (edited with Mario Rufer in 2016); Hysteria and history. A story about the 19th century in Mexico (2020).


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