Saywas del arenal. Poetic exploration of aridity Claudio Revuelta San Miguel de Tucuman, Puerta Roja Ediciones, Fondo Nacional de las Artes 2024, 38 Pages

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José Luis Grosso


In this book of anthropological poetry, Claudio Amojona his “art-poetics,” which now flows in moving images like an open-air cinema in the middle of the desert on the incandescent screen of day and stars. Claudio Amojona, so extraordinarily and beautifully—or, perhaps, even more so, so sublime, and at the extreme so excessive in its dark immensity—the derivative flow of words.

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How to Cite
Grosso, J. L. (2025). Saywas del arenal. Poetic exploration of aridity . Memorias Disidentes. Revista De Estudios críticos Del Patrimonio, Archivos Y Memorias, 2(3), 272-279. Retrieved from
Author Biography

José Luis Grosso, National University of Catamarca

He studied Philosophy in Buenos Aires, then abstained from other postgraduate degrees such as the Specialization in Culture and Society in the Andes, Cusco, Peru and a Master's in Andean History, Cali, Colombia, with field research in Santiago de Bombori, North of Potosí, Bolivia, where he wrote the master's thesis The luck of the Andean. Tata Bombori, health and divination. Later he obtained a PhD in Social Anthropology, in Brasilia, Brazil, for which he carried out field research in Santiago del Estero, North of Argentina. He also carried out postdoctoral research in the Colombia CTS + I Chair (Science-Technology-Society plus Innovation) with the title: Critique of the epistemology of Modernity and development from an intercultural popular perspective. His line of research is Deconquest territorial semiopraxis and discourse of bodies. He is currently a Full Professor at the National University of Catamarca (UNCa.) and a Category I Researcher of the National Research System in Argentina. He directs the International Research Center PIRKA – Policies, Cultures and Arts of Making, with offices in Colombia and Argentina. He is a member of several international research networks; he gives seminars and conferences in several countries; he has published multiple books, chapters and articles, among others: Indios Muertos, Negros Invisibles. Identity, hegemony and longing, 2008, Córdoba, Argentina; In other languages. Popular-intercultural-postcolonial semiopraxis as critical praxis, 2017, Azogues, Ecuador.


Kusch, Rodolofo (1976). Geocultura del hombre americano. García Cambeiro.

Revuelta, Claudio (2024). Saywas del arenal. Exploración poética de la aridez. Puerta Roja ediciones. Fondo Nacional de las Artes.