Vestiges of possible futures
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In Colombia today Columbus has fallen in disgrace. The main statues dedicated to the character who gives the country its name have been demolished or removed from public space. Can we think of a Colombia beyond Columbus, a post-Columbian Colombia? Historiography has highlighted three aspects of the Genoese sailor that open fruitful fields for rethinking ourselves as a country. The first is Columbus’ millennialism. If sinister flashes of apocalypse emerge from the vestiges of the conquest, many of the proposals to intervene them are mockuments, farcical monuments, carnivalesque devices that sabotage the desire for eternity until the end of time, typical of marble and bronze, through the games of the precarious, the unstable, the ephemeral. Another aspect is related to utopia: the first mention of a statue dedicated to Columbus appears in Francis Bacon's New Atlantis (1626), where the domination of human beings over nature thanks to science and technology is celebrated. That is why the emergence of proposals to transgress the deeply anthropocentric character of the monuments of the conquest is relevant. Finally, it is the very notion of historical events that is in crisis. It is about recognizing the long duration of the conquest, whose manifestations today take the form of “archaeophanies”: splinters of pasts blown into a thousand pieces, which break the regime of historicity where we live. What is at stake is the Colombia that will emerge from the debris of Columbus, vestiges of possible futures.
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