Violence, territory and dissidence: the Ecuador that burdens our identity Cuerpxs y territorios disidentes y transgresivos

Main Article Content

O. Hugo Benavides


The article’s main objective is to contest the layered hegemonic narrative accu- mulations that have been traditionally used to define an Ecuadorian national identity. Through the analysis of three distinct national narratives (literary, musical and of identity) I propose more autonomous and transgressive ways of representing ourselves within the national body. Further, the article also seeks to assess the relationship between territorial extractivism and the racist and femicide violence that is exerted upon our bodies. Ultimately the text argues that the fight against territorial and corporal extractivism should be one of the primary objectives of any social, academic and/or artistic contribution.

Article Details

How to Cite
Benavides, O. H. (2023). Violence, territory and dissidence: the Ecuador that burdens our identity. Memorias Disidentes. Revista De Estudios críticos Del Patrimonio, Archivos Y Memorias, 1(1), 70-88. Retrieved from
Sección Académica
Author Biography

O. Hugo Benavides, Kaleidos Group - University of Cuenca.

He is currently a researcher associated with the Department of Space and Population and the Kaleidos research group at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador. He completed his first degree studies at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) in Guayaquil (1989) and attended Queens College (1991), in the City of New York. He later obtained his Master's Degree from Hunter College (1994) and his PhD (1999) from the Graduate Center of the University of New York (CUNY), in Archeology and Anthropology, respectively. He served for twenty-five years as Professor of Anthropology, Latin and Latin American Studies, and of International Political Economics and Development, at the Jesuit University of Fordham in the city of New York. He was director of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, of the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies, of the Master of Science and Humanities, and of the area of social action. Furthermore, he founded the Centro de Estudios Liberales in Kensington, London (2012), and the Consorcio de Investigación de Estudios Globales (2020). His professional and academic interests have provided him with extensive anthropological and archaeological practice excavating Inca sites in the Andes and the Roman site of Pompeya in Italy. He has published books such as: Making Ecuadorian Histories: Four Centuries of Defining the Past (University of Texas Press, 2004), translated into Chinese/Mandarin in 2014 and 2015 in Spanish as Historias ecuatorianas y encrucijadas de Poder, y published by the Consejo Provincial de Pichincha. He also published The Politics of Sentiment: Remembering and Imagining Guayaquil (UT Press, 2006; translated in 2018 as Las Políticas del Sentimiento: Imaginando y rememberando a Guayaquil, published by the Pontifical Universidad Católica de Ecuador, the book Drugs, Thugs and Divas : Latin American Telenovelas and Narco-Dramas (UT Press, 2008) He currently lives in Brooklyn with his life partner of the last three years, Gregory Allen, and his adorable feline, Demetrius.


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