• Flavia Prado Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of San Juan
Keywords: UNSJ, teachers-researchers, neoliberal reforms


The Universidad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ) has a significative track record in scientific and technological activities (C&T). From its genesis, in 1973, until today the process of institutionalization of these activities went through different stages, in which the complex '90s is an important point of inflexion in its becoming.

The present work seeks, from a historical-structural focus, to describe the development of C&T activities in the mentioned University during that period, focusing on the impact of the “Program of Incentives for Teachers-Researchers” (PROINCE). We are talking about one of the most important initiatives of promotion in investigation in the history of the national scientificuniversity field that took place precisely in the 1990s in Argentina: complex period marked by a set of neoliberal structural reforms in the economy and the State that had a profound impact on the country's scientific activities. Among other things, we´ll see how this Program established within the University a sort of budget asignation by competitive mechanisms, giving place to a salary differentiation among the teachers, promoting a segmentation and hierarchy of the academic environment.


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How to Cite
Prado, F. (2018). TEACHERS-RESEARCHERS AT THE UNSJ DURING THE ‘90 YEARS: COUNTERPOST PERSPECTIVES. Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 2(2), 23-34. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/che/article/view/1044