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Carina Jofré
Julieta Magallanes
Mario Rufer


This third issue of Memorias Disidentes reaffirms the importance of this university-based and transnational publishing project, developed by the hard work and against the current of unstable moods and precarious times we live in, particularly in a context of the advance of the new right in Latin America and the world. In this framework, our editorial office places the editorial project of the magazine, opening questions such as: What meanings does this biannual publication project from the field of Humanities and Social Sciences acquire in this context? What role do academies and, especially, universities have in these transformations? What does it mean to think about heritage narratives from Latin America in contexts of exacerbation of violence and extractive plundering deepened by the new liberal right? What connivances and continuities between governments of a “progressive” or “national and popular” sign and neoliberal governments facilitate, in the end, the very rapid extinction of inclusive and reparative policies in the short term? What new neocolonial projects do these political projects harbor and what are their effects on bodies-territories and on research? What monuments do they erect? What memories do they tear down? What heritages do they conspire with? What work must collective memory do to build new archives sensitive to words, to emotions, to the interweaving of links in times of post-truth? How can we re-establish social coexistence in the face of clear evidence that current Latin American democratic regimes forcefully expose the aporias of great Western values ​​(“freedom,” “equality,” “justice”) exhausted in their traditional senses? What methodologies should we arm ourselves with to expose the strategies of viralization and planned control of the emotions and desires of the public behind a screen? What ephemeral identities shape these times of economic instability, social intolerance, and fulminating racist hatred?

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How to Cite
Jofré, C., Magallanes, J., & Rufer, M. (2025). Editorial. Memorias Disidentes. Revista De Estudios críticos Del Patrimonio, Archivos Y Memorias, 2(3), 8-16. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/Mdis/article/view/Editorial.%20Tercer%20n%C3%BAmero%20de%20Memorias%20Disidentes
Author Biographies

Carina Jofré, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Regional Institute for Planning and Habitat (IRPHA), National University of San Juan (UNSJ), National University of La Rioja (UNLar)

Warpe activist, daughter of the Warpe Community of the Kuyum Territory, of the Warpe People. She is a member of the Plurinational Network of Anti-Extractivist Feminists of the South. She holds a PhD in Human Sciences with a major in Social and Cultural Studies and a degree in Archaeology from the National University of Catamarca. She completed postgraduate studies at CODESRIA (Senegal) and postdoctoral studies at the University of Cauca and at the Universidad Autónoma Intercultural Indígena (UAIIN) of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC), in Colombia. She is currently an Adjunct Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) with a place of work at the Regional Institute of Planning and Habitat (IRPHA) of the National University of San Juan. She is a regular professor in charge of the Chair of Theory and Methodology of Archaeological Research and the Chair of Impact and Archaeological Heritage in the History Degree at the National University of La Rioja. She is a founding member of the Center for Studies and Research in Anthropology and Archaeology (CEIAA), of the Information and Discussion Network on Archaeology and Heritage (RIDAP) and of the Feminist Collective of the RIDAP. She is one of the promoters of the creation of the Indigenous Advisory Council of the National University of San Juan (2019) and one of the editors responsible for Memorias Disidentes: Journal of critical studies of heritage, archives and memories.

Julieta Magallanes, Patagonian Institute of Social and Human Sciences, Scientific Technological Center, National Patagonian Center (CCT CENPAT), National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco

She holds a degree and a PhD in Anthropology (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires) and her areas of interest are the relations between indigenous peoples and States, the processes of indigenous territorialization and the reconstruction of collective memories from the Republican period to the present. She is part of the GEMAS (Group of Studies of Altered and Subordinated Memories) and RIDAP (Network of Information and Discussion on Archaeology and Heritage) networks. She has recently entered, by competition, the CONICET Scientific Researcher Career at the Patagonian Institute of Social and Human Sciences “Dra. María Florencia del Castillo Bernal” and works as an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Puerto Madryn headquarters) of the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco. She holds the position of Executive Secretary of Memorias Disidentes: Journal of critical studies of heritage, archives and memories.

Mario Rufer, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco Unit (UAM-X)

He is a historian from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. He holds a PhD in Asian and African Studies, specializing in History and Anthropology, from El Colegio de México. He is currently a Professor-Researcher at the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico. His lines of research are oriented toward cultural studies and postcolonial criticism, and to the social uses of the past and temporality: nation and public history, archives, memory, museums, heritage. He has published on critical methodologies in cultural studies and social sciences. He is a member of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT (Mexico). He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Bielefeld, Germany, the University of Cauca, the University of Buenos Aires, the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of New York, among others. Among his books as author or editor are The Nation in Scenes. Public Memory and Uses of the Past in Postcolonial Contexts (El Colegio de México, 2010); Entangled Heritages. Postcolonial perspectives on the uses of the Past in Latin America (co-edited with Olaf Kaltmeier, Routledge, 2017); Indisciplining research. Archive, Fieldwork and Writing (co-edited with Frida Gorbach, Siglo XXI Editores-UAM), The Routledge Handbook to the History and Societies in the Americas (co-edited with Olaf Kaltmeier and Stefan Rinke, Routledge, 2020); Horizontality: Towards a Critique of Methodology (co-edited with Inés Cornejo, CALAS-CLACSO, 2021); Coloniality and its Names (Siglo XXI Editores-CLACSO, 2022); The Time of the Ruins (co-edited with Cristóbal Gnecco, UAM-Universidad de Los Andes, 2023). He is a member of the Information and Discussion Network on Archaeology and Heritage (RIDAP), founder and one of the responsible editors of Memorias Disidentes: Journal of critical studies of heritage, archives and memories.


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