Why Matura? Notes for an elusive biography in Catamarca in the 1980s

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Jorge Perea
Alejandra Gutiérrez Saracho


In this work we try to trace the elusive biography of Carlos Alberto “Matura” Nieva. To do so we interweave our experiences with the stories, gossip, rumors and photographic images that have shaped various meanings about his life. “Fat,” “black,” “faggot,” “Peronist.” Matura, an elusive specter for an essentializing classification that reassuringly sets out what he was in Catamarca in the 1980s. Matura, that evocative figure of an era that is missed or despised. Matura, a narrative fold in which other memorial plots emerge, as they can, other abject presences that are excluded from the dominant historiographical order, but that form part of a network of interactions that shaped the daily life of that era.

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How to Cite
Perea, J., & Gutiérrez Saracho, A. (2025). Why Matura? . Memorias Disidentes. Revista De Estudios críticos Del Patrimonio, Archivos Y Memorias, 2(3), 74-89. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/Mdis/article/view/Porqu%C3%A9Matura.PereayGutierrez.MD%2Cenero2025
Sección Académica
Author Biographies

Jorge Perea, Faculty of Humanities, National University of Catamarca (FH, UNCA)

He is a professor of History and a doctor in Human Sciences. He works as a full professor in the Theory of History and Cultural Anthropology chairs in the Department of History of the Faculty of Humanities, UNCA. In 2023, he published the books: Aquí no pasó nada. Historias y memorias de la violencia política en la Catamarca de los años 70 and Septiembre del 55, la hora de la revenge del antiperonismo catamarqueño. In his research he is concerned with recognizing the effects of state and parastatal repressive discourses and practices in the formation of local political identities during the 20th century.

Alejandra Gutiérrez Saracho, Faculty of Humanities, National University of Catamarca (FH, UNCA) Regional Institute of Socio-Cultural Studies, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (IRES-CONICET)

She presents herself as a transvestite activist and former sex worker. Born and raised in the town of Santa María, she emigrated to San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca in 2008, where she began a process of encounters with that territory that would lead her to think about the life paths and resistance of sexual dissidence and its emergence as a political organization in relation to the government of sexuality in the province of Catamarca. She has a degree in Social Work and is a research professor in the Social and Cultural Anthropology and Mental Health departments of the Bachelor of Social Work degree at the Faculty of Humanities of the National University of Catamarca. She is pursuing postgraduate studies in the Doctorate in Human Sciences with a mention in Social and Cultural Studies at the same university and a specialization in Social Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba (UNC). Currently, she works as a doctoral fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and is a member of the team of the Laboratory of Political Studies and Regional Debates Tramas linked to the Institute of Regional Socio-cultural Studies (IRES-CONICET-UNCA). She is involved in the following research projects: Structural patriarchal-colonial-capitalist violence and multiple resistance processes located in Catamarca territory, under the direction of Dr. Belén Verón Ponce (Dept. Social Work - F.H) and Under the mantle of the Virgin of the Valley. Approaches to Catholicism as a Catholic political culture in Catamarca in the first half of the short 20th century (1918-1945), with the direction of Dr. Jorge Alberto Perea (Dept. History - F.H); both projects approved by the Secretariat of Science and Technology of UNCA.


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