Approaches to the encounter of life, body an politics

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Luca De Vittorio


In this essay, it will be reflcted about the categories of health and disease from the perspective of Georges Canguilhem. With this, it will seek to install a precedent about the consequences that the incorporation of the experience dimension has in the problematization of the medical sciences and the consideration of the subject implies in those. Later, it will be stablished a contrast between this approach and the contemporary way of understand, not only the clinical events, but all a vision of the human phenomena under the biologicist array. Finally, it will be raise a hypothesis that gave account of the political utility that this lecture embrace, and his consequences in the organization of power in contemporary life.

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How to Cite
De Vittorio, L. (2023). Approaches to the encounter of life, body an politics. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(7), 12-22. Retrieved from


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