Self-constitution of the old man: exclusion and recognition of the elderly from work of himself

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Diego Ticchione Sáez


The old and the work seem to be two self-exclusive elements. Indeed, such an individual is thought of as one who should not work, and who, on the contrary, deserves the retirement. This, however, does not mean that in the practical ambit the older adult is not forced to work. Furthermore, to the extent that work functions in modern societies as a value (Nietzsche, 2011, pp. 551-558), it could be thought that the consideration made of older adults could only be a symptom of a form of exclusion involved in the conditions under which work concretizes its position within society. If this is the case, what explains the exclusion of the elderly, and how does it affect their self-understanding? To give a coherent answer to this question, I plan here to examine, based on an appropriation of inputs elaborated in Foucauldian work, the relationship between the possible objectifiation that is carried out of the older adult in the labor sphere and the truth that this individual declares about of oneself in said sphere, hoping to show how it is that said relationship is constitutive of the self-understanding that the older adult produces of himself.

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How to Cite
Ticchione Sáez, D. (2023). Self-constitution of the old man: exclusion and recognition of the elderly from work of himself. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(7), 23-35. Retrieved from


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