Neoliberal & posneoliberal governmentality, the jouissance government

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Francesc d’Assís Sañé Díaz-Santos


We are living in a historical moment in which it seems that neoliberal government strategies, based on the free circulation of fiancial and human capital, are coming to an end and a new socio-political paradigm of biopolitical government is beginning. Aided by Rose's (2017) concept of authoritarian populism, this essay seeks to analyze the conditions, rationalities, and technologies that accommodate the shift toward a new paradigm of governmentality. In addition, through a brief review of the governmentality theories of Foucault or Han, it will be suggested that the biopolitical study of authoritarian populism no longer concerns the body, as Foucault once described, nor the mind, as Han thinks, but to a third substance: the enjoying substance.

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How to Cite
Sañé Díaz-Santos, F. d’Assís. (2023). Neoliberal & posneoliberal governmentality, the jouissance government. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(7), 51-65. Retrieved from


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