Swim at night. Myth and reality in Mañana Siesta Tarde Noche (Bellocchio, 2011)

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This paper has as a general objective to confiure a constellation of outstanding aesthetic aspects of the audiovisual miniseries Mañana siesta tarde noche by Diego Bellocchio, with the purpose of rereading the articulation between mythology and terror from the semiotic dimension of the real. That is to say as an aesthetic modality to understand the complex relationship between the audiovisual genre/format and "reality"; its dynamic and unstable borders and dis/continuities; its semiosic contiguity -infiite- between signs and the real.

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How to Cite
FIGUEREDO, M. H. (2023). Swim at night. Myth and reality in Mañana Siesta Tarde Noche (Bellocchio, 2011). TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(8), 37-54. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/trazos/article/view/1225


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