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Álvaro Arroyo


In capitalist modernity, the autonomy of aesthetics allows art to appear as the means of expression of a certain truth-content that would be impossible to communicate under the conditions that rule other domains of culture. According to Adorno, that content is nothing but a dialectically mediated apparition of a portion of nature that has not been subjugated by instrumental reason. This paper aims to demonstrate that such idea fulfills a structural function within the Adornian theory of aesthetic autonomy. For this purpose, in a diachronic review of the process of elaboration of this theory, the dialectic of reason and nature is reconstructed, the ambivalence of the concepts of mimesis and dissonance is examined, and a materialist reading of the negative definition of happiness is defended, as far as it represents a tangible demonstration of the possibility of transformation of social relations of domination.

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How to Cite
Arroyo, Álvaro. (2021). MAKING NATURE SPEAK: AESTHETIC AUTONOMY AND NON-IDENTITY. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(5), 9-23. Retrieved from


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