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Malen Azul Calderón


The work aims to investigate the notion of life as an ontological, epistemological and political problem. Subject to current problems of deforestation and planetary annihilation of life, it is based on Espositean analyzes of the ontology of life as communitas e immunitas, in relation to a more horizontal and holistic proposal. To do this, it defends, within the neomaterialist currents of life, a social ontology of the bio-politics that exposes it to a vulnerability that is intrinsic to it. The question that drives these reflections is about permanence in a problem that forces us to respond to the life we ​​share, as a continuous flow, in pursuit of responsible exercises of risky practices that allow us to collectively think and decide worthy ways of living. and die.

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How to Cite
Calderón, M. A. (2020). REFLECTIONS ON THE HORIZONTAL ONTOLOGY OF LIFE: ETHICAL ISSUES AND EPISTEMOLOGICAL. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(4), 9-18. Retrieved from


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