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Pablo Daniel Sánchez Ceci


This article aims to analyze from critical animal studies how the animal appears as a political sign under which litigation relationships between the discourse of the species are staged. To do this, we will take as a corpus of analysis the comments made by readers in two specific cases: the first, a note referring to a demonstration by a group of vegan artists in the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and, the second, the response to the petition on to protest the culling of two pit bulls. From this analysis we propose to link this discourse with the processes of necropolitics, and the differential distribution of the vulnerability of the bodies that establishes precarious lives on which a sovereignty capable of administering the death penalty is sustained.

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How to Cite
Sánchez Ceci, P. D. (2020). SUBJECTIVITY AND SACRIFICE. DIGITAL SPEECH BEFORE THE DEATH PENALTY AND THE ANIMAL. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(4), 19-30. Retrieved from


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Materiales de análisis
“Muzzarella = muerte”: la insólita acusación que los veganos pintaron en la pizzería Güerrín. (3 de noviembre 2018). Clarín. Recuperado de: (2019). Petición JUSTICIA POR LOS PITBULL DE POLVORINES! Recuperado de: