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Ignacio Bisignano


This work aims to account for the origin of the destruction of experience - a phenomenon enunciated by Agamben - through Toulmin's analysis of modernity. This analysis refers to the intellectual step from the modest humanism of the 16th century to the dogmatic scientism of the 17th century. Such a transfer allows us to account both for the last time when genuine experience was present, and for the destruction of vital experience at the hands of the search for certainty of a scientific modernity. For the analysis, it will be necessary to address the material and historical context in which it has been developed. For this reason, based on certain reflections by Popkin and Toulmin himself, we will try to delve into the reasons for the destruction of experience, focusing not only on the intellectual and superstructural field, but also on the historical and material context of the Lutheran reform.

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How to Cite
Bisignano, I. (2019). THE MODERN ORIGIN OF THE DESTRUCTION OF EXPERIENCE. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(3), 17-31. Retrieved from
Artículos de investigación


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