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Ernesto Joaquín Suárez


The concept of state of nature is a fundamental concept in the history of political philosophy. However, the notion of reason that supports this concept can be questioned if it is analyzed in the light of evolutionary continuity. That is, taking into account the fact that human beings are not entities separated from the rest of the living beings, but rather share multiple characteristics with them, particularly with those closest in evolutionary terms. That is why in this article the Hobbesian state of nature will be analyzed from three critical approaches of the assumption of human reason as a feature unanchored from evolutionarily previous characteristics.

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How to Cite
Suárez, E. J. (2018). THE HOBBESIAN STATE OF NATURE IN THE LIGHT OF THREE EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(2), 18-33. Retrieved from
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