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Cristian Román Cruz


The present work seeks, in the first instance, exposing and contrasting two positions on the question of the Indian, namely, the question of the land, lending me, as an aid, the thoughts of the Peruvian José Carlos Mariátegui and the Bolivian Fausto Reinaga. The first understands that the problem of the Indian deals with a question about the land that must be resolved after the delivery of these to those; while the second understands that the problem of the Indian as a land issue is not resolved after the Agrarian Reform of 1953 in Bolivia, so Reinaga interprets this as the issue of the Indian is rather a question of power. On the other hand, it seeks to address the issues that concern progress and ethnocide that, in effect, also affect the Indian; that as a whole are carried out due to the current economic model practiced, if not in all of Latin America, in most of the countries of the region through (neo) extractivism and agribusiness.

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How to Cite
Cruz, C. R. (2018). CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE INDIGENOUS QUESTION SUBJECT TO THE LAND PROBLEM. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(2), 8-20. Retrieved from


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