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Nicolás Nahuel Carrea


In this short essay I wonder about the origin of Language, trying to give a provisional answer. In this way of thinking and writing, I find certain characteristics of the event of Language and I distinguish it from human language, insofar as the former is pure expression and the latter the pretense of being logos. Thus appears the Mystery of Language that manifests itself as an aura on the edges of this entire essay. Arriving at the proper relationship with the Being, unfolding the ontological and epistemological dimensions of the treated topic, I am ending with a brief reflection on the conservation of Language and I end by respecting the Mystery of what is given more or less there or here from Him.

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How to Cite
Carrea, N. N. (2018). OF THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(2), 95-101. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/trazos/article/view/781


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