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Franco Nehuen López


The lines that follow here will try to conjugate two fields apparently heterogeneous among themselves, in a conceptual acrobatic whose purpose is to articulate some ideas of psychoanalysis according to the orientation of Jaques Lacan, with the current practice in virtual environments that bears the name of shitposting. In addition, the least possible technical terminology will be used, that is, a "translation" (betrayal, Borges would say, or better yet, profanation) of the Lacanian concepts into the everyday language, with its proper introduction, and its articulation with cacaposteo. The intention of this pedagogical exercise is to qualify the obscurity or supposed "inaccessibility" of some points of Lacanian theory, so that whoever reads does not need to have specialized training on the subject, and also pursuing the objective of broadening the scope of the Lacanian teaching towards a non-psychoanalyst public. Towards the end, an attempt will be made to account for some conclusions drawn from this conceptual articulation and the social and psychological consequences of the new modes of consumption promoted by the current capitalist era, as well as the suggestion or mobilization towards a question that problematizes and makes visible the new forms of subjective production and the social bond in virtual networks.

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How to Cite
López, F. N. (2022). SHITPOSTING DISCOURSE. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(6), 47-55. Retrieved from
Ensayos filosóficos


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