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Laura Villavicencio
Marcela Gil Bustos
Paula Heredia
Karen Camargo


Currently, we are crossed by new technologies that generate new social and cultural paradigms and, consequently, new forms of communication. Within this context of hyperconnectivity and virtuality, new digital discourses emerge -memes, stories, statuses, hashtags, tik tok, tweets- present in social networks and widely used among young people and adults. For this reason, it is believed necessary to incorporate these new textualities into the classroom. This article, based on research projects, intends to show, from a cognitive theoretical framework, the elaboration of a corpus and its didactic applications to approach virtual speeches in the classrooms from a technological tool (website), a format conducive to the study and treatment of discourses present in social networks. We consider that the presence of virtual discourse, together with the media and information and communication technologies (MyTic) in everyday life and in the reconfiguration of classroom practices must be articulated in the school logic.

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How to Cite
Villavicencio, L., Gil Bustos, M., Heredia, P., & Camargo, K. (2022). A CORPUS OF VIRTUAL TEXTS AND ITS DIDACTIC APPLICATIONS. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(6), 24-44. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/trazos/article/view/887


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