Hypnotic Narcosis: consumption in virtual environments and its consequences in the subjective libidinal economy, from a psychoanalytic approach
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The hypothesis that leads this investigation provisionally states that it is possible, and even convenient, to correlate the scrolling that is practiced in the consumption mediated by digital devices, with the libidinal structure of the usage of narcotics and hypnosis, following a psychoanalytic approach. This work will try to think the ensnaring fascination that electronic screens produce, in the actual stage of techno-capitalism, through the concepts of virtual reality, imaginary dimension and the gaze as object a, arguing that it is possible to formulate a homology between the libidinal structure of the three psychic formations mentioned in the title.
The political concern that drives this work is constituted upon the urgency of thinking the new ways of subjective capture that mutate dizzily in the actual neoliberalism epoch, in a way that, it would seem, proceeds much faster than it is possible to theorize.
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