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Tomás Stöck


This paper explores the relationship between the animal and the human from the Derridian figure of the spectrum. It seeks to enable the possibility of a consideration around the animal that is not governed by the traditional ontological hierarchy of metaphysics, according to which there is an area of ​​the human, radically alien and differentiated from that which is encompassed overwhelmingly under the animal tag. Considering that the specter is that figure that disrupts the clear and distinct limits of metaphysics, the animal will be located in that fissure to show how its way of inhabiting, of besieging, always works like the specter. To this end, we will work in an interconnected way, going back and forth, between a series of Derridian texts in which fruitful reading operations are deployed in the direction we intend to point here.

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How to Cite
Stöck, T. (2020). ANIMAL SPECTRALITY AS A POSSIBILITY OF A HOSPITALITY BEYOND THE HUMAN. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(4), 65-73. Retrieved from


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