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Deleuze's postulate about joy part of this as a significant element of the power of each subject and its relationship with the active forces; and how the creation of various idols has the purpose of exercising a power that generates in the subjects the loss of joy, transposing it to that of sadness, since this affection turns it into a dominated subject. Due to the above, this paper will show how the State has been created as a new idol, limiting the subject in various ways in order to break the possibility that it can overcome its own limits, preventing the act of creation.
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How to Cite
Valbuena Latorre, P. F. (2018). JOY AS A RESISTANCE PROPOSAL AGAINST THE STATE. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 1(2), 102-108. Retrieved from
Ensayos filosóficos
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Antonelli, M. Vitalismo y desubjetivación. La ética de la prudencia en Gilles Deleuze. Signos Filosóficos [en línea] 2013, XV (julio-diciembre): [Fecha de consulta: 23 de noviembre de 2017] Recuperado de:
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