“(…) iuraque constiutere, ut vellent legibus uti.” HUMAN SOCIETY AND LAW IN LUCRECIO'S DE RERUM NATURA V

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Pablo Rojas Olmedo


The aim of the work is to analyze the shape in which Lucretius in Book V of the De rerum natura addresses the birth of human society and the origin of law, under the hypothesis that this development can be divided into two instances, one pre-social and pre-legislative, and another social in which law is It is presented as the link that makes violence impossible. Consequently, the first typification, a state of pre-sociability, is that man spends his life like beasts, without the practice of language and surviving thanks to physical conditioning to nature. The second instance, a state of sociability, can be fixed with the appearance of the house and the family; in this context is that from the sum of the need to defend latent dangers against life and the improvement of technical skills, mutual agreements are established that oblige their parties to comply with them. The conclusions to which it is intended to arrive should shed light on the way in which the origin of law is approached from the Epicurean doctrine.

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How to Cite
Rojas Olmedo, P. (2017). “(…) iuraque constiutere, ut vellent legibus uti.” HUMAN SOCIETY AND LAW IN LUCRECIO’S DE RERUM NATURA V. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(1), 30-44. Retrieved from https://ojs.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/trazos/article/view/787
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