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The individual feels totally detached from the necessarily shape part. As Freud (1974) says, in his explanation of the formation of the reality principle in Discomfort in culture, the division between our own personal identity and the external environment seems clear. Instead, there is a continuity inward, never outward. The question is whether this was the case from the beginning, whether since the appearance of the human being in the world there already existed this notion of a fixed identity alien (strange) to the world, or whether it arose through a historical process. Freud himself points out that personal identity, at the individual level, alien to the world was not there from the beginning, since it is not found in the infant, but in him the world is an extension of him. We note here the first part (thesis) of the Fichtean dialectic, in which the I is only posited in its absolute form; Only later will the Not-I (principle of reality) be put in place, so that from there the I can be defined as a logical negation of the Not-I (negation of the negation of the I). The relationship is here placed only on the side of the for itself, but not that of the in itself, since the dialectic ends with the formation of subjectivity. Thus, we notice that identity develops, the umbilical cord with respect to reality is broken through a gradual process in which the child notices that there are certain things that depend on his will and others that do not, discovering it with the mere to follow naturally from that first impulse of desire or appetite (which initially has no restriction or limit, and which, therefore, is pure will with no specifiable direction).
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