From the Comité Editorial de TRAZOS- Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía we consider it necessary to make visible philosophies that slip from the strict rigor and delimitation that every canon establishes. That is why we bet on crossing limits and beginning to be an echo of those hidden voices (or minor ones, as academic thinking hopefully recognizes them) that live under the veil of the “fundamental” questions of philosophy. Because at the end of the day, isn't thinking from the margins also doing philosophy?

We suspect that out of the cave of classical readings and the classical proposals there is a sea of ​​interpretations, of rebellious writings that invite us endless new questions of which we feel intriguedxs to know. Will there be someone written something about those topics that seem irreconcilable? What planes can draw those little mentioned perspectives? What do those echoes that reach us from the margins say?

Published: 2018-07-01